Get your hands black and give some love to Archer!
The Frederick Scott Archer Project
The Wet Plate Collodion Day Book 2009 I’m pleased to share this link with you; it’s the CiM (Creative Image Maker Magazine) Winter 2010 (print edition). I wrote an article for this issue. It’s about the Frederick Scott Archer Project.
I hope you buy the magazine, read the article (and look at the Wet Plate Collodion photographs), and then buy the Wet Plate Day Book and feel so moved that you make a cash donation to the project (wink, wink) - I’m just saying, "I hope".
Seriously, I do hope people get on board with this project. I’m just a few c-notes shy of making the bank transfer to London. If you can, please donate (, or support the effort by buying a book.
This is a great cause and I know we can make our goal and make this happen. It’s been a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice to get this far. I know times are tough, and money’s scarce, but if you, please help.
As the time gets closer, I’ll post more information about the ceremony and the events. The Collodion Community thanks you for your support!
World Wet Plate Collodion Day Book 2009
I'm happy to announce that the Wet Plate Collodion Day Book 2009 is ready to for prime time! You can order a copy, or two from Blurb:
The Wet Plate Collodion Day Book 2009
Please keep in mind that the preview of the book sucks (quality). That's the only reason I didn't release it sooner. Caron got her copy in the US and sent me some snaps - it looks great in print, so forget about the preview.
Please spread the word about the book. And ORDER one or two copies! This is a great project to support. We need to sell 250 – 300 copies!
Thanks to every one that participated! Great job! We did it!!
8”x10”, full color, perfect bound, 92 pages, 82 images, 51 artists/photographers – great work!
Photos by Caron Gonthier (thanks!)
The Cover shot!
Inside sample.
Inside sample.
Inside sample.
And the back of the book!
World Wet Plate Day Book 2009
I'm most happy doing meaningful work. It's satisfying and rewarding for me. I've never understood how people can go to jobs they hate everyday. I know that a lot of people do that. It's both sad and wrong.
If there's anything I know, it's that I know we should do what are heart tells us to do. We should follow our passion. And we should pursue happiness and find fulfillment in our lives. Contrary to popular belief, those things have little or nothing to do with money and fame. We shouldn't settle for mediocrity or fall victim to fear or the illusion of job security.
I've been multi-tasking for the last couple of months, maybe longer. I've been living and breathing my DVD for a couple of years, but I've also been weaving other, smaller projects into my schedule. One of them is the World Wet Plate Day book.
I've had the pleasure (and I say that with sincerity and honesty) to edit and prep almost 80 Collodion images shot on May 2, 2009 from all over the world. It's very exciting! It's going to be a wonderful publication for several reasons. First, all of the proceeds are going for a great cause and it's the very first one of it's kind (every year we'll publish one). It should be ready in a couple of weeks! Please consider buying a copy.
This is a mockup of the cover (all of the way open - nothing on the spine) - it's an 8.5" x 8.5" full color, perfect bound book - almost 100 pages.
Happy Wet Plate Day - I Hope Your Hands Are Black!
It's a beautiful day today and we made the most of it. Today is Worldwide Wet Plate Collodion Day 2009! We're honored and pleased to be a part of it.
Summer and I made plates most of the day and was lucky enough to have a couple of sitters for some portraits. We had a lot of fun. Summer knocked it out of the park with her Converse shot. She'll have to tell you what it's about - consumerism and being a teenager, I think.
As a group (Collodionistas), we decided to set a day aside to honor the man who invented the process - Frederick Scott Archer. We also want to honor the process itself - however ones sees fit to do that (usually by making some photographs). Unfortunately, today is Archer's death date. He died 157 years ago! We don't know his birth date, if we find out, we may change the date we do this on.
It's easy to forget what role photography has played in our lives and in history. Frederick Scott Archer played a significant part in making photography what it is today. We tend to take it for granted - pour a few plates and that might make you think twice - that's not a bad thing, either (ether).
If we really wanted to honor Archer, we would all be making 8x10 negatives and printing Albumen - maybe next year!
Here's some of what we did today:
"Jürgen, der Klempner" - Whole Plate Alumitype - by Quinn
"Schweinehaxen" - Whole Plate Alumitype - by Quinn
"Schweinehaxen" - burnished & cropped - Whole Plate Black Glass Ambrotype - by Quinn (I love the texture of the glass showing through)
"Converse From Berlin" - 5x4 Alumitype - by Summer
World Wet Plate Collodion Day: May 2, 2009
The World Wet Plate Collodion Day Logo Well, the date has been set - May 2, 2009 for the first World Wet Plate Collodion Day.
Mark Zimmerman suggested this idea on the forum board a few weeks ago. I think it's both a brilliant idea and a fun thing to do.
The idea is to honor a process that's given so many a new lease on creativity and generated so much excitement in photography. I'm going to try and make a couple of nice plates here in Germany on that day.
It would be great to see a publication from the work. I think it would be a nice community building thing to do, too. I'm thinking a simple Lulu (for cost) book - buy it or not kind of publication. It would be less that $25 USD to purchase it. No politics, commerce or strings attached. An annual publication from images all over the world would be so cool!