Rabbi Dov While researching how my name is written in Hebrew, I was emailed this site, (The Hebrew Name) by my friend Zoltan (thank you!) in Budapest. Zoltan and his wife, Sherri, recommended that I find a Scribe, or sofer stam, and have my name written the right way! I couldn’t agree more, great advice!
Rabbi Dov pulled a piece of parchment and did what he does best, wrote my name in Hebrew. A name is a powerful thing. And when it’s a Hebrew name, even more so (IMO). I think it’s beautiful. Thank you, Rabbi.
Rabbi Dov and I had a conversation about my name, the Hebrew letters/script and briefly discussed some personal stories. Our communication will continue, he seems like a very gracious man. He is going to send me the parchment he wrote my name on, too. Update: I have the parchment framed with his letter hanging on my wall – very cool!
Rabbi Dov’s Parchment - “Yacobson” – Jacob was named by his father, Isaac and then G-d named him Israel.
Digital Conversion - “Yacobson”