White Thistle: Native Americans used a paste of the roots for treating wounds, boils, and piles, and also used an infusion of the root for treating stomach ache. They also used the thistle down (or pappus) from the seeds to fletch the tail end of arrows. Native American tribes see Turkey as an emblem of providence and fertility. Turkey feathers also have a spot of honor in some rituals.
It’s an honor to see turkeys roaming the meadow here. They are usually in large groups, 10-15 and a tom or two with the hens and a few jennies, too.
“White Thistle, Turkey Feathers, and European Silver (Red)",” 10” x 10” (25,4 x 25,4 cm) RA-4 Reversal Direct Color Print - July 9, 2023
One of the things I really like about the RA-4 Reversal process is the variety of prints I can make. This is just one of many examples that show this diversity and range. This was done with exposure: the first image was made at f/8 for 4 seconds; this is the exact same light made at f/3 at 1.5 seconds. I really like both prints for different reasons.