Computer Burnout!

Today is a very strange day for me. It has nothing to do with America getting a new president. I think that is "most excellent". It's just one of those weird days. I feel "off", if you know what I mean? I'm kind of tired, feel a little depressed - blue, just off.

I think I may need to take a break from my routines - especially the ones that involve computers. I may be suffering from technology overload or burnout, literally. Here's some questions that told me that I need a break:

1. When you open your email client, does it make you feel anxious about the work that you don't have time to do? Yes
2. Do you ever wish the web or social media would just go away? Yes (Facebook)
3. Do you have email messages sitting in your inbox more than 6 months old that are "pending" further action or unread? Yes
4. Do you sometimes wish you could read or type faster? Yes!
5. Do you experience frustration at the amount of electronic information you need to process daily? Yes
6. Do you sit at your computer for longer than an hour at a time without getting up to take a break? Are you kidding?
7. Is the only time you're off line is when you are sleeping? Yes, well, not really, but it seems that way.
8. Do you feel that you often cannot concentrate? Yes, this is my biggest problem.
9. Are you always seeking out additional information from the Internet or friends online to support a decision or complete a project but never processing it all? Yes
10. Do you get anxious if you are away from the Internet for too long? For sure!
11. Do you open up multiple tabs in your browser and then forget what you were going to do? Yes
12. Is your email, google docs or hard drive filled with "virtual piles" of information or “drafts” that haven't been processed? Yep!
13. Are you afraid to delete email or old files because you're afraid you might just need it someday? Archived
14. Are you unable to locate electronic documents, blog posts, email messages or other online information that you need in the moment without wasting time playing "find the file"? Depends...
15. Do you find yourself easily distracted by online resources that allow you to avoid other, pending work? yes, another big problem area for me!

Okay, how did you do? It's time for me to stop, or slow down at least. And yet, here I am writing about it on a computer!