The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

Quinn marking his ballot for Barack Obama and Joe Biden - 2008

There is no doubt that what my German friend just documented for me (photographing me marking my ballot) is probably the most important ballot I'll ever cast in my life. I'm not simply regurgitating the media's mantra either. This election is very important. I hope and pray with all of my soul and being that on November 4, 2008, Americans will make the right choice for president.


I have nothing against John McCain (that I can put here anyway) and I'd never heard of Sarah Palin until 8 weeks ago. I'd be the first to thank McCain for his service and moreover, his sacrifice. As a veteran myself (Army 11B and 84B), I appreciate and thank the people who serve, or have served, our country. And those that serve during conflict, even more so.


I know his intentions might be good, but he's not the right choice for the White House, especially not now. It's not due to his age, either. However, it's more probable that he (McCain) would die in office far sooner than Obama, at least from natural causes. And that scenario would leave us with a "bad Disney movie" and makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit to think about it.  The argument is a non-issue; the question is who would be better for the majority of Americans/America. It's very clear to me that Barack Obama has a heart and a mind for the people of America. He can help make things better and get us back on track to being a decent, peace-loving people who are prosperous but not arrogant. I truly believe that.


I currently live in Germany so I get to vote a little bit earlier than most Americans. It’s at these times when I experience the truth in the saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword". I’m hoping that this image is proof of that.

It's Time To Make A Change

Regardless of how you feel about politics, the world is in a very serious situation and it does matter who’s leading America over the next few years.

I will never understand someone voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin. My mind can't even begin to justify or reconcile that kind of decision. And no, I'm not voting for Barack Obama because McCain and Palin are evil (because I think they are human beings but just not the ones for the White House), but because he's the person that has the vision, intelligence, leadership and ability to really make a difference. I truly believe he is a decent human being that cares about more than just himself and his wealth, I really do.


I'm not a fool. I know things will not get better overnight if Barack Obama is elected. However, I know that if he is, we have some chance of bringing sanity back to America. I'm voting for Barack Obama and Joe Biden because I love America and I owe my country the very best I can give it when it comes to leadership. McCain and Palin do not show, in any way shape or form, the leadership we need right now in America and in the world.


It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I know this. The economy has depths to plummet that we haven't seen yet. The ridiculous, overspending, irresponsible lifestyle is over in America. I thank God for it. If this is what it takes, so be it. Keep your chin up, with Obama, we have a chance to not only recover, but be a better America after we heal. Do yourself, and all Americans, a favor and vote for Barack Obama. Don't blow it this time America!