I made a couple of technical changes that gave me some subtle improvements. I heated my potassium oxalate to 190F (88C) and adjusted exposure and development time (negatives). I’m super happy with these results. The warm tone improved tremendously! It’s very obvious now where before it was very subtle. I like the warm tones much better.
There’s really no comparison when you can control the (north) actinic light for wet or dry collodion negatives. The results are amazing. You would have to see these Palladium/Platinum prints in person to fully appreciate them. There are subtleties that can only be seen in real life. I wonder sometimes if I should even post these. The iPhone is the best I can do for copies - you get the idea, I’m sure. I do use this blog as a journal and a reference point for myself. I can see where I improve or when I need improvement. I know a lot of you enjoy seeing these so I try to post every time I have a successful day. I hope you enjoy these.
A tea of the plant was taken internally by the Native Americans to treat rheumatic swellings and to ease the delivery of the placenta. Juice of the leaves were applied to pimples.