Here’s something that I’ve never seen before: A platinum palladium print from a collodio-albumen dry plate negative. I’m not sure when the last collodio-albumen dry plate negative was made, but I would be willing to bet that there hasn’t been one made in 150 - 160 years. Let me know if you’ve made any.
No, it’s not the best technical negative (see the chemistry stain?), nor is it really even interesting (the picture), but it is significant in the sense of bringing a “dead” process back to life in the 21st century. “It can be done” is the most exciting thing and it’s encouraging.
My dry plate work has just begun. I’ve had much better results in my testing after this was made. I’m trying to test three different types/styles of dry plate - no gelatin - only collodion or collodion and albumen. Stay tuned to see what I end up using for my project this year.
Platinum Palladium print from a Collodio-Albumen Dry Plate Negative - 6 minutes at f/11 - Dallmeyer 3B