For the past couple of months, I’ve taken a break from the Saturday show. I needed time to work on testing several dry plate processes for my project. I’ve gathered enough information now, I’d like to share some of it with you if you are interested. I know that most people aren’t, and that’s okay.
This coming Saturday, March 19, 2022, at 1000 MST I’ll be broadcasting live to talk about what I’ve been doing for the last two months. I’ll share some tests from my dry plate experiments and talk about siderotype prints. I’ll share what I’ve discovered and what my approach will be for my work. If you’re interested in the (collodion) dry plate processes and siderotype printing, be sure to join us.
My Chamonix 10x10 camera holding its own in Guffey canyon. Making a 5-minute exposure of the valley floor and rock structures.
The negative that was made hanging off the cliff (or almost).