I’m getting ready to run my first dry plate negatives based on Thomas Sutton’s Rapid Dry Plate process. I have four plate holders for my Chamonix 10x10 camera. Three of them have Whole Plate inserts - I need to modify the other insert to fit Whole Plate and then I can take four plates out with me at a time.
I’m also going to try a changing bag and black foil bags to take an additional four plates - a total of 8 plates at a time. If I can use the changing bag and the food foil bags are in fact light-tight, it will give me plenty to work with while out in the field on a day trip.
I sensitized and prepared four plates today. I’ll expose them and develop them tomorrow. According to Sutton, I’ll have the speed of a Wet Collodion plate, with the convenience of a dry plate. I’ll make a variety of exposures mostly all stopped down to f/11 or f/16. We’ll see how it goes!
Three holders ready to receive the dry plates.