The Studio and Darkroom Coming Along...

We’ve been working on getting the darkroom built. I had to wait for the lumber delivery because I ordered some long 2x4s and a bunch of sheetrock - 32 sheets. I didn’t want to make two or three trips to Colorado Springs, Colorado - 2 hours plus for each trip, so I had it delivered. It worked out well.

Tomorrow, we’ll stand the front wall with the turn-door or darkroom spin door in it and put the top plate on all the way around the structure. We have to put 20 sheets of drywall in the room before we stand the last wall as well as my darkroom sinks. We can’t fit that in through the door or studded walls.

I’m really excited to have this up and running. I have so many experiments to run and processes to test for my next project. I’m in search of the PERFECT NEGATIVE, or the process to make it. I also want to share on my YouTube channel what these look like in real life.

I’ll be working almost full-time in 2022 on the “Red Earth” work. Other than some knife-work. I would like to get a nice piece of that project completed next year. This darkroom (and studio) will allow me to do that. I will have some very unique plates from it too. I plan to make OIL ON GLASS (with some color), so they will be Whole Plate (6.5” x 8.5”) glass plates made with the negative and the Rawlins Oil Printing process. I want to frame them with Ponderosa Pine from our property. They should be very unique and very beautiful. Stay tuned! Some really great stuff coming!

Three of the four walls up and some insulation in!

We have beautiful weather right now. Great for working in.