After almost six years, I'm back in America and teaching Wet Plate Collodion to Americans, again. It feels good.
I held the first (of many) Wet Plate Collodion workshop in my studio from September 3 - 6, 2011. It was a great feeling to be back and to speak the language, understand the culture and have people laugh at my jokes. I had some fantastic people in the workshop, too. A big thanks to Chris Kirk, Rob Perisho, Jeff Graves and Izah Gallagher. They're great people with a great Collodion future ahead of them! I hope to see them all again in my studio soon!
Summer preps varnish while the rest of the crew are cutting and cleaning glass, (left to right) Jeff Graves (Broomfield, Co), Rob Perisho (Chicago, Il), Chris Kirk (Austin, Texas), Izah Gallagher (Denver, Co), and Summer Jacobson (Denver, Co).
This was just a joke. I thought it was kind of funny.
Herr Graves drying his Clear Glass Ambrotypes.
Summer helps Chris with varnishing. Chris did some of the finest varnishing I've ever seen (not kidding).
"My GrandDaddy's Hat" Izah shows off her wonderful self-portrait. Whole Plate Black Glass Ambrotype.
Chris makes a portrait of Summer as Jesse watches. The EXTREME Denver UV made using natural light a no brainer - really gorgeous images!
"Cowboy" 7x5 Alumitype by Chris Kirk
"Cowboy" 5x7 Alumitype by Izah Gallagher.
Summer Jacobson, September 4, 2011 Denver, Colorado - photo by Chris Kirk
Rob Perisho, September 3, 2011 Denver, Colorado - photo by Quinn Jacobson
If you're interested in joining me for a workshop/course in a historic photographic process like Daguerreotypy, Calotypy, Wet Plate Collodion, Albumen Printing and/or Salt Printing, keep your eye on this link or send me an email and we'll get you in! I have a nice big (safe) well lighted studio in the RiNo District in Denver, Colorado.