Fuming or Sensitizing Boxes

This part of the Daguerreotype equipment is very important (but then again, what part isn't?). This is where the plate is sensitized, or becomes like film - sensitive to light. The final surface is an amalgum of silver and mercury. The first fuming is over Iodine Crystals. The plate is fumed until you have a rose color (checked under reflected white light and fumed again for a few seconds to mitigate that exposure) and then it's off to the Bromine for fuming. No Bromine fume, no "speed" or ISO.

These are very special fuming boxes. They are designed with NO metal in them and to seal extrememly well when fuming and in storage.


Iodine and Bromine Fuming Boxes

Detail of the Iodine Box - designed and built by Rene Smets.

In the "fuming" position.

In the "resting" position.Open top anc slide on the Iodine Box. These are the Corian boxes that store the Iodine and Bromine. These are "sealed" for storage.

Detail of the "sealed" storage box with handle!

I needed three sets of inserts; Iodine, Bromine and Mercury - Whole Plate and Half Plate size. This is why I decided to go with the "Lift System" versus the "Vise System". You can see the "gaps" and issues with the "Vise System".