Jasmine & Abel - 6"x6" Black Glass Ambrotype - 7 Nov., 2010It's bitter-sweet. I just finished my last Wet Plate Collodion workshop I'll do in Germany. Two photography teachers from Brussels came down; Erwin and Frederick. We had a good time. It's always fun, and I'll miss it terribly. However, there is a time to call it and this was it. I could be weeks away from being back in the United States and I need time put things away, both literally and psychologically. I need to separate a little bit. Time will do this.
Jeanne asked a friend, Jasmine, to come over so that Erwin and Frederick would have someone to make portraits of - other than each other or me. Although, they made plenty of images of one another. Jasmine brought her boyfriend, Abel. They were patient and kind, I ended up making this portrait for them.
There will be more teaching and more exciting things in the U.S. for me, I know it. I'm already looking forward to it!