The Studio Q Show - May 22, 2021 - Special Guest Dr. Sheldon Solomon

I hope this finds you well and healthy. I just got word that Sheldon Solomon will be my guest this Saturday on my show. This is very special because, for several years now, I’ve been a little preoccupied with Ernest Becker and his book, “The Denial of Death” (1973).

The book deals with our knowledge of our mortality (that we are going to die). It clearly defines what the theories are based on and makes a solid case for the truth of the theories.

Sheldon and his cohorts, came along some 10 years later and decided to put Becker’s theories to the test - will they stand up to the rigorous lab and field tests? Yes, they do. This is what Sheldon and his team lay out very clearly in his book. “The Worm at the Core - On the Role of Death in Life”.

Join me Saturday, May 22, 2021, at 1000 MST on my YouTube channel or on Stream Yard. Sheldon will discuss his studies on death anxiety and terror management theory (TMT) as it relates to artists.