Greetings and Salutations!
We’ve been staying occupied (more preoccupied) with getting our place ready for the spring and summer. We moved in on January 18, 2021 (MLK Day). We’ve had a few snowstorms and a lot of beautiful sunny days. We hit 57F (14C) the other day (March 3, 2021). We have a weather station (Tempest - Mohawk Station) on our property now. It records every detail of the weather, every minute, and writes to my Google Docs spreadsheet. It’s fun to geek out on it.
What’s next? This month (March), our greenhouse is going up. If you look at the outbuilding pad photo, you’ll see to the right is a pad for the greenhouse. It’s a 9’ x 21’ ClimaPod. We plan to run our first crops this year. It will be our “trial” yeat to see what grows up here and what doesn’t.
Our “outbuilding pad” that will have our 9’ x 21’ Greenhouse and a 20’ x 30’ studio and darkroom for photography.
My studio/darkroom will be going up soon. I've just finalized the plans. It will be 600 sq. feet (20x30) and will have a north light studio at 8,500 feet (2.600 meters) and a darkroom. There will also be a small space to "lounge" in. The UV up here is insane. I'm not sure if there is a "higher" (elevation) wet collodion north light studio, but this space will give me great light and short exposures!
This is exciting! I hope I can make this happen like I did the house. This has been a long journey, I've learned a lot, but I just want to be working in my shop, studio, and darkroom as soon as possible! Looks like it's going to be a great year for my wet collodion project!!