We've Completed the Wellhouse September 2020

We just got word that our house will be completed by October 22. To say we are excited is a complete understatement! We’re elated. We’ve been working on infrastructure stuff. We did the 275’ water line (and power) as well as clean up for the construction crew.

We’ve completed one more thing for the homestead. A (Water) Wellhouse. I know it’s totally boring for those not directly involved, but I have to say, it was a fun project and our first “real” build on the land. It’s 8’ x 8’ x 8’-7’ in size. It’s a lean to build; 8’ in the front and 7’ in the back. Like a mullet haircut ;-) It will have a 9’ foot gutter on the back to catch rainwater. I know, it’s a well head, but we want to utilize the rainwater for our greenhouse and fire mitigation. There is a small window above the door for natural light. It works well. There is a piece of 14” x 32” clear plexi-glas there.

We chose the “Barn Red” color because we feel like it’s complimentary to the landscape (Red Mother Earth) and it will withstand the crazy amount of UV light up here. We will use this color for all of our “outbuildings”. I may end up painting a big “H2O = LIFE” on the side. What do you think?

It’s nice and spacious inside. I used R19 insulation all the way around (ceiling as well) and we have 1400 pounds of concrete poured onto R10 board insulation and a vapor barrier (the entire floor, extra around the well head). The well head is comfortable! And I have space for tools and storage. Really nice. I’m proud of Jeanne. She is the hardest worker I know. And she is never afraid to learn something new. We had a great time together building this and we really feel the pride of ownership and a job well done.

Wellhouse Red.jpg