Studio Q Creative Retreats 2021 - 2022?

I wanted to share what we have been working on for the last two years. We had originally planned to offer one-week creative retreats starting in the summer of 2021. That’s not going to happen. The very best case scenario will be autumn of 2021 if they get the virus/vaccination under control and people aren’t afraid of traveling and living again (or attending workshops/retreats). That’s probably not realistic either.

We have been planning a homestead and building a creative retreat for years. Jeanne and I have been together for almost 30 years. 20 of those years we’ve been saving and talking about making something like this happen. Six years ago, we started looking for property in Colorado and looking in general in the Western United States. We found our place 4 years ago. And, as they say, the rest is history.

We’ve wanted out of the city for years. It served us well when we were running a studio space and working full time. After you leave the rat race (which I did on July 3, 2020), and COVID-19 hits, staying the city made no sense to us. We didn’t plan this because of COVID-19, like I said, we’ve been planning and saving for years, however, the virus definitely changed our plans just like everyone else, but maybe it’s for the best. Here’s why.

Our house should be finished at the end of October or the first week of November. The winter will be spent getting settled and doing small things to organize and get our life back to some normalcy. If the weather is good, we will set up our greenhouse in December. If it’s a cold and snowy winter, we’ll do other things and save the greenhouse for spring. In May or June of 2021, I’ll have the plans for the photo studio and darkroom to be constructed. By June or July, I should be able to work in the darkroom and daylight studio again (exciting!!). The forge will be set up in the same structure that the photo studio/darkroom is in or, I may end up setting up in our garage, I’m not sure yet. I’ll have to look at the space when it’s finished.

We have time. And we need time. So that’s a good thing. Like everyone, I want the madness (virus), aka COVID-19 to be contained and for everyone to feel safe about getting back to living and life. In the meantime, we’ll continue to build our homestead and our retreat center with the hope that someday, you might be able to visit for a week and exercise your creative muscles, digitally detox, and see this beautiful part of the world (it’s amazing!).

We have designed, and planned, an entire curriculum (in 2019) for the retreats. Here’s a sample of what we want to offer during the week-long retreat. You would be able to pick one activity and do that all week, or sprinkle some variety into your digital detox experience in the mountains!


To provide immersive and inspiring education in a peaceful mountain environment. Teaching hands-on skills and educating students on how to find meaning in their lives through physical activities, art, food, and philosophy. 


Our retreat offers unique training programs and workshops that enhance a sense of self, both physically and mentally and a  sense of community. Students spend a week on the mountain eating healthy (ketogenic lifestyle - organic/greenhouse) food, being inspired, and spending time in creative activities. This residency will exercise the body and mind in a peaceful and supportive environment.  


We provide a unique educational experience in a beautiful location in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, U.S.A. The stress of the modern world and our (American) poor diet has had an impact on everyone’s mental and/or physical health. And not having meaning in our lives can create problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. We allow students to choose creative activities and learning experiences that they feel will provide relief from the modern world and allow them to discover what’s meaningful to them. It’s a time to examine themselves and to learn a new skill or skills. It’s also a chance to center their life for a week. Take a break from the monotony and relax. In the end, this helps them, their family and friends, and the community as a whole.


The Studio Retreat is a seven-day immersive creative experience in nature. The retreats are held one-time every year; June or September. Spaces are available for one or two students at each retreat. This is an “off-of-the-grid” experience and we encourage students to leave technology behind (phones, internet, etc.), or at least to a very minimum.


Primarily, it’s a time to center and discover meaning in one's life. It also serves as a “digital detox” retreat. It allows the students to learn, create, relax, and play in a completely natural and organic environment. In the world we live in today, many people are suffering from burn-out, depression, disconnection, and live in a digitally toxic environment (screens, social media, news, politics, etc.). Our retreat allows students to immerse themselves into creative and hands-on (physical) projects as well as mental exercises and projects. To live, at least for a week, in a peaceful, healing, and quiet environment. Most will find that it will help connect them to nature and to themselves, in a healthy, positive, and productive way. Our goal is for students to leave the retreat with new skills, a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, clear-minded and balanced. 


The Studio Q Retreat is held on Quinn and Jeanne Jacobson’s homestead in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado (on Navajo Mountain Mesa near Cripple Creek, Colorado). They own a 12-acre homestead with private living quarters for one or two students. Students can drive their own vehicle or will be picked up from Colorado Springs Airport and dropped back there after the retreat (about 1 hour 30 minutes from the homestead). 


  • Veterans

  • Artists

  • Educators

  • Young Adults (18 - 25)

  • Potential Homesteaders

The Studio Q Retreat is geared toward anyone that feels the need to find meaning in their life. Students will find relief from the pressures of the modern world in an encouraging, and supportive environment. It’s also intended to give people a chance to learn new skills and immerse themselves in creative and physical activities. 


Our retreat provides both creative and physical experiences for students. We operate a (near) self-sufficient homestead, a historic photographic studio and darkroom, a full blacksmith and bladesmith shop, a greenhouse, as well as knife throwing ranges, rifle, and pistol range and an archery range. There are many local attractions and areas to explore hiking, fishing and hunting venues as well.


“Educating and Inspiring People to Find Meaning in Their Lives Through Art, Food, & Philosophy”


In this workshop, you will tour the homestead, home, shop, studio, blacksmith shop, greenhouse, solar system, water well, etc. and walk the property talking about permaculture and plans. You’ll learn how the Jacobsons planned and executed the homestead start to finish. This includes a class that reviews major costs and “what to watch out for” when starting to plan to buy land and build a homestead. This course will cover self-sufficiency, operating a greenhouse, harvesting food, running a solar system, running a water well and rain catchment systems, raising chickens and other livestock.


We offer several different workshops in 19th-century photography. You can select separate courses or build your own custom workshop. These last from 2 to 7 days, depending on the breadth and depth of the workshop(s) selected. Areas covered and workshops available are; The Wet Plate Collodion Process - Positives (Ambrotypes, Tintypes) and Negatives, P.O.P. Printing; Albumen Prints, Salt Prints, Collodio-Chloride Prints, Gelatin Chloride Prints, Carbon Prints, and Oil Prints (Rawlin's Process). As well as making Daguerreotypes, and Calotypes/Talbotypes (Paper Negatives). We also offer a short workshop in making chemistry and safely handling, disposing, and storage of chemicals as a stand-alone. 



We offer a workshop in learning how to use the Ketogenic Lifestyle for better mental health, weight loss (obesity), lowering blood sugar, reducing blood insulin, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and better overall mental and physical health. We’ve been following keto for several years now ad have had terrific results (physical and mental health and weight). Learn the science and practice behind this age-old way of living and eating. People with type II diabetes can learn how to slow down or even reverse the disease. Each meal will be explained and the student will learn how to prepare the meal and track macros nutrients (percentages of each area of nutrition) and progress. They will learn how to adjust their diet to fit their needs. This course will include video lectures from Dr. Georgia Eade, a leading psychiatrist on nutrition and mental health. As well as video lectures from the leading medical doctors and nutritionists in the world. We’ll cover questions like, What is the science behind the Ketogenic Lifestyle? What is keto and what is not (food lists)? What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)? What is Autophagy? What is GKI and why should I care? How do I check blood ketone levels and blood sugar levels? What does it cost to live this lifestyle? And dispelling myths about the ketogenic diet.


We offer different workshops in blacksmithing, bladesmithing, and knife/ax throwing. You can select separate workshops or a single workshop. These last from 2 to 7 days, depending on the breadth and depth of the workshop(s) selected. Areas covered and workshops available are Introduction to Blacksmithing, making decorative objects; hooks, hangers, taper points, curls, etc. Advanced Blacksmithing: How to make tools; Hardie tools and tongs and basic forge welding. Introduction to Bladesmithing: How to make a knife (hunting, skinner, or a set of throwing knives). This includes “fit and finish” for the non-throwing knives. Advanced Bladesmithing: Making Damascus or Pattern-Welded Steel, and large blades (over 12") with fit and finish. Introduction to Knife/Axe Throwing can be included in a knife making workshop or selected separately as a third workshop.


We offer a workshop in the study of philosophy and psychology; based on, or in, Eudaimonia (a path to well being) or happiness and how to find meaning in your life. We give an overview of some of the best knowledge gained over the past 3000 years, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc. we explore what it means to “live a good life”. This workshop is mostly based on Dr. Clara Hill’s book, “Meaning In Life” and Dr. John Vervaeke’s Video Lectures, “Awakening From the Meaning Crisis”.


Learning how to grow cannabis and how to use cannabis as a medicine (to reduce stress, lose weight, lower blood sugars, reduce blood insulin), and feel much better physically and mentally. We cover questions like, What’s the best way to grow cannabis? How should I use cannabis? What does it treat or help medically? What does medical research show?


We offer workshops in both firearm safety (mandatory to shoot) and target practice. We work with handguns, rifles, and shotguns. These last one or two days, depending on the breadth and depth of course(s) selected (handguns, rifles, shotgun, or all of them).


We offer a workshop in archery and target practice. These are one-day workshops. Safety and handling instruction is mandatory before shooting on the archery range.


If you already know how to fish or not, you will enjoy a day on Eleven Mile Reservoir. Eleven Mile and Spinney Reservoirs are two of the top trout fishing locations in the state of Colorado! Eleven Mile is home to rainbow trout, Snake River cutthroat trout, cut bows ( a cross between rainbow and cutthroat), brown trout, northern pike, yellow perch, kokanee salmon, and carp. This is a one day workshop.


Colorado Wolf & Wildlife CenterThese majestic animals are so important for our future balance of nature and they are one of the most misunderstood animals alive. They have been brought on the verge of extinction through extermination in the continental US with a little more than 5,000 wolves remaining today. Our educational tours which are required first educates you about the wolf, its importance, and dispelling the old myths. The interactive part was designed so that those that can participate can have the most amazing experience. To run your fingers through their fur and a possible quick moment of looking in their eyes to capture the depth of their spirit and soul is something that you will never forget. Hopefully, when you walk out of that enclosure, you will have a better understanding of that animal and be a voice to help protect its future forever.


Explore hands-on exhibits and fossil displays in the visitor center and view the 14-minute Shadows of the Past movie in the visitor center. Explore outdoor exhibits (behind the visitor center) featuring massive petrified tree stumps. Take a self-guided hike on the 1/2 mile Ponderosa Loop, 1 mile Petrified Forest Loop, or 1-mile Geologic Trail. Ready for a longer hike? The Monument has 15 miles of nature trails beyond the self-guided fossil trails. Guided Activities: During the summer season, ranger-guided hikes and programs occur daily.


From time to time we have guests teaching workshops, doing demonstrations, and giving talks/lectures on all of our topics. This varies from retreat to retreat. Please check with us for a particular retreat to see what, or if we have something scheduled. 

We are offering classes and workshops based on our knowledge and experience. We are not medical doctors, and we do not promote our classes and workshops as medical advice. Please check with your physician before attending a retreat.

12 acres in Teller County, Colorado - Studio Q Creative Retreat (Quinn & Jeanne Jacobson).

12 acres in Teller County, Colorado - Studio Q Creative Retreat (Quinn & Jeanne Jacobson).