Jewish DNA
Jewish DNA
Woman From Frankfurt
Woman From Frankfurt
Homosexual #2
Homosexual #2
Homosexual #3
Homosexual #3
German Man With An Axe
German Man With An Axe
Heidelberg Arc (Memorial)
Heidelberg Arc (Memorial)
Street To The Synagogue
Street To The Synagogue
German Artist
German Artist
Remains: Mainz Synagogue
Remains: Mainz Synagogue
Italian Immigrant (Oma)
Italian Immigrant (Oma)
German Cleaning Woman (Putzfrau)
German Cleaning Woman (Putzfrau)
Jesus Was A Jew
Jesus Was A Jew
Great Granddaughter of a Nazi Officer (Beatrice)
Great Granddaughter of a Nazi Officer (Beatrice)
Nordic Man (Aron)
Nordic Man (Aron)
Jewish DNA
Jewish DNA8"x10" Alumitype. Viernheim, Germany, 2009.
Woman From Frankfurt
Woman From Frankfurt8"x10" Clear Glass Ambrotype. Frankfurt, Germany, 2008.
Homosexual #2
Homosexual #2Whole Plate (6.5"x8.5") Black Glass Ambrotype. Viernheim, Germany, 2009.
Homosexual #3
Homosexual #38"x10" Alumitype. Viernheim, Germany, 2009
German Man With An Axe
German Man With An Axe5"x7" Alumitype. Viernheim, Germany, 2008.
Heidelberg Arc (Memorial)
Heidelberg Arc (Memorial)8"x10" Black Glass Ambrotype. Heidelberg, Germany, 2008.
Street To The Synagogue
Street To The Synagogue8"x10" Black Glass Ambrotype. Heidelberg, Germany, 2008.
German Artist
German ArtistWhole Plate (6.5"x8.5") Black Glass Ambrotype. Frankfurt, Germany, 2008.
Remains: Mainz Synagogue
Remains: Mainz Synagogue8"x10" Black Glass Ambrotype. Mainz, Germany, 2008.
Italian Immigrant (Oma)
Italian Immigrant (Oma)5"x7" Black Glass Ambrotype. Viernheim, Germany, 2008.
German Cleaning Woman (Putzfrau)
German Cleaning Woman (Putzfrau)Whole Plate (6.5"x8.5") Black Glass Ambrotype. Viernheim, Germany, 2008.
Jesus Was A Jew
Jesus Was A Jew8"x10" Acrylotype (Black Plastic). Viernheim, Germany, 2008.
Great Granddaughter of a Nazi Officer (Beatrice)
Great Granddaughter of a Nazi Officer (Beatrice)8"x10" Black Glass Ambrotype. Viernheim, Germany, 2008.
Nordic Man (Aron)
Nordic Man (Aron)Whole Plate (6.5"x8.5") Black Glass Ambrotype. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2009.
Slave4" x 5" Wet Collodion Negative - Albumen Print. Viernheim, Germany 2008.
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